  1. BLM

Original blues song about justice and race in from the POV of an OWG. Ron Swansong provided the very cool acoustic guitar groove that inspired me, but I butchered it to fit new chords, so a bit glitchy. Redoing the guitar and vocals for a final version to be released soon ©2020 Michael Ahart aka UATOs


BLM (©2020 Michael Ahart aka Us And The Otters)

I'm Sad…And I can’t take the sadness anymore
I'm Mad…And I can’t take the madness anymore
Why does every generation
have to fight this same damn civil war. Why?

Why’d you shoot my sister down
Why? Why’d you kick my brother to the ground
Everyday I get to wake up
While another’s put six feet underground
(Let ‘em breathe)

Let’s get together…from the West out to the East
Let’s get together…with our courts and our police
‘Cause where there is no justice
There is no peace